Λέβητες Συμπύκνωσης DSCB

Condensing Boilers
Πετρελαίου - Αερίου
DSCB 20 - 100 kW

Ο επιδαπέδιος λέβητας συμπύκνωσης DSCB αποτελεί τη συμφέρουσα πρόταση στον τομέα θέρμανσης συνδυάζοντας οικονομία και ποιοτική κατασκευή…

You are in good hands!


Υψηλός βαθμός απόδοσης - Μείωση του κόστους θέρμανσης

In the heart of the DSCB is a sophisticated 5-way exchanger which, in combination with the condensation of the exhaust gases, achieves very high levels of efficiency.

The condensing technology used by modern heating boilers returns as useful heat the energy released by the vapors in the exhaust gases as they condense.
The DSCB consists of stainless and steel construction that is durable and easy to maintain.
Οι τελευταίας τεχνολογίας καυστήρες που προσφέρονται σε συνδυασμό με τον DSCB έχουν χαμηλές εκπομπές βλαβερών ρυπογόνων NOx. Ο DSCB μπορεί να συνδυαστεί με καυστήρες πετρελαίου ή αερίου ανάλογα των απαιτήσεων της εφαρμογής.



All models of Diana - Skordas come with a 5-year guarantee of good operation

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Λέβητας Συμπύκνωσης
Ελληνικής Κατασκευής

The principles of operation of a condensing boiler have been known for a hundred years, but its use became possible only recently. This is because condensing boiler manufacturers can now make use of technological advances in stainless steel and corrosion resistant alloy design.

  • Great fuel economy
  • High efficiency
  • Sturdy construction

Technical Specifications

See indicatively the technical characteristics of the pellet boiler DSCB 20Kw


Why choose the Greek-made Condensing boiler DSCB

For more information on finding the right condensing boiler for you and your home contact us

Boilers manufacturing since 1979

The superior quality, high combustion efficiency, installation flexibility and proven reliability of the DSCB condensing boiler are the features that will bring you comfort, safety and savings in heating costs.

Υψηλός Βαθμός Απόδοσης

Offered with oil or gas burners in a wide range of heating power. It achieves efficiency ratings of 99%.

Diana Skordas

Since 1979

Low heating costs

The new range of Diana - Skordas condensing oil boilers allows you to benefit from the efficiency of oil or gas, while reducing your heating costs.

Diana Skordas

Since 1979

Space saving

Durable stainless steel construction. The boilers are delivered ready for use. Easy to install, which can be adapted to all kinds of spaces, thanks to their small size.

Diana Skordas

Since 1979

5 Years written Warranty

The DSP consists of an all-steel construction that is durable and easy to maintain. It is accompanied by a written guarantee of 5 years of operation.

Diana Skordas

Since 1979